Well, here goes:
Montessori is a type of education that is based on self-directed activities, hands-on learning, and collaborative play.
Montessori education focuses on engaging the students’ creativity and ensuring that they are not spoon-fed with knowledge but that they make guided creative choices.
Montessori education also aims at working on the team spirit of the pupils, thereby grouping them to perform educative activities.
In a typical Montessori school, the classrooms are beautifully and colorfully decorated with arts and crafts and this is to aid the learning of students. It has been observed that students who go through a Montessori school usually have a deeper understanding and appreciation of language, science, music, social interactions and so on.
Most parents are concerned about their children not learning at their own pace – either fast-paced or slow-paced. The Montessori is best suited to ensure that your child is maximizing his highest potentials and at his own pace.
El-Bethel School offers an exciting Montessori level for your children to pass through and we are assured that once your child goes through this level, his curiosity to learn about life, science, music, arts, languages and so on, will be so piqued that he or she would have no choice but to be attentive in his subsequent levels and to seek for knowledge all his life.
Remember, the formative stage of a child’s mind is very delicate as it pre-determines how the other stages will turn out. We assure you that we have just the right environment and tool to build up and develop your child into the best that he or she can be!!