hello@elbethelschool.com +2348022879701
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About Us

The El-Bethel Story

El-Bethel first opened its doors to 52 pupils in 1996 with the purpose of providing children with a thorough academic education. Since, we have remained strictly committed to that pioneering goal, while simultaneously adapting to a complex and increasingly evolving world. Today, many pupils around the world benefit from the knowledge and expertise gained over the last two decades of setting a solid foundation for life.

All our pupils enjoy the teaching and specialist care of our highly qualified academic and welfare staff, with teachers and counselors available to support them at every stage of their crucial formative years. The commitment of our staff is supported by excellent, world class facilities. Importantly, at El-Bethel, your children will be taken seriously; their ideas will be listened to and considered; their concerns will be addressed. 

They will be joining a school and family that is supportive, challenging and interested in them as individuals.

This all contributes to successes both in and out of the classroom. Our pupils are immersed in a culture of achievement that sets no limitations. They achieve results at the very highest level from Montessori through to the National Common Entrance examinations, alongside the pursuit of a plethora of co-curricular activities, and proceed to attend the very best secondary and tertiary institutions globally.

We are very proud of the strong tradition and the values of innovation, imagination and creativity that have been the hallmarks of El-Bethel for over two decades and that we continue to be a pioneering force in the pursuit of educational opportunities for our future leaders.

Proprietress Welcome

Dr. Comfort Otegbeye


The opportunity to lead this energetic, talented and caring community of staff and pupils is an extraordinary privilege. In this postmodern era, students enrolling at secondary and tertiary levels are highly likely to see in the turn of the next century, living lives of unprecedented longevity. Their world will be full of promise, choice and possibility on a scale that has not been true for any generation that has preceded them.

The journey begins with developing mental agility, opinions, habits, self-belief, creativity and the ability to live and work harmoniously with others. These are the qualities that we nurture and encourage here, with a focus on positive psychology and an appreciation of internationally recognised standards. Young people need effective and rigorous powers of rational discernment to successfully navigate the dilemmas, arguments and challenges that will inevitably face them in a complex and fast evolving world.
With this in mind, we give serious thought to our ethics and the source of our emotional and spiritual nourishment, holding the wellbeing of our pupils to be equally as important as their academic outcomes. 

Attention to ensuring the security and sustainability of the former will enable the achievement of the latter. Pupils are encouraged to be self-determining and genuinely caring and respectful towards others, building the foundations of character and self-sufficiency for both success and fulfilment in the years beyond nursery and primary school.

At El-Bethel, we recognise that individuality is formed from childhood. From the Montessori level, to Year 6, we welcome diversity of interests, outlook and ambition, knowing that we are a richer and more dynamic community when we are open-minded, versatile and flexible. We believe that all children need is the intellectual curiosity and willingness to try new things. At our school, we are committed to supporting and encouraging children to develop their potential, define their dreams and discover a true sense of purpose without limitations, however young they are.

We have a unique and pioneering heritage which we are proud of, and which we cherish, growing from 54 pupils in 1996, to 267 pupils in 2016, and we are certain of an even more exciting future ahead. We hope that you, and yours will be a part of our journey. And us, a part of yours. WELCOME!


We appreciate that it is fundamental to support each pupil in striking a healthy and successful balance between academic and co-curricular activity. With this in mind, our provision in this area is exciting, well-resourced and versatile, and presents each pupil with the opportunity to discover their interests and find their niche. We understand that every child is an individual and they are all encouraged to find an activity that suits their interests. Everyone is challenged to ‘have a go’ whatever their level of ability.

THe boys scouts

THe brownies girls

THe Jets Club

THe French Club

THe Red Cross

THe Art Club

Literary and Debate

The Music Club